
Welcome to People4Dogs

We are here for people all over the world who are considering giving a rescue dog a home. By plugging into the power of social networking through Twitter, animal loving people,  can give you some useful pointers and recommendations to help you find the dog you are looking for. There is a really active twitter community all over the world that are dog lovers and/or rescue organizations.

If you would like us to tweet on your behalf all you need to do is send us a message via the contact page and/or twitter at @people4dogs.

No personal information will be given out over twitter, just  general information about the sort of dog you are looking for and the assistance that you’re requesting.

We are volunteers, we are here to help you find a rescue dog that meets your needs and that of the rescue dog. The service is completely free of charge.

Jenn & Abbey are Animal Lovers and volunteers with Furever Dachshund Rescue

Karen and Zach are Animal Lovers and volunteers from the UK, you can find them at @3daxs

Daily Doxie Posse NewsPaper

The above photo was taken of me and my little precious rescue dachshund, Abbey, by a wonderful local pet photographer, who now resides in Georgia, Zach Wilkinson. Please check out his site and services.